A joyous celebration took place on Thursday, December 12th for the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Many thanks to all who planned the day’s events, those who participated…
Read MoreDivine Mercy signs go on sale this weekend. Displaying these signs in your yard, on your car, in your home, or anywhere else you can think of is a great…
Read MoreCongratulations to all the youth who made their First Reconciliation Sunday evening at our Advent Reconciliation service. Thank you to the six priests who joined Fr. Joe and Fr. Berhorst…
Read MoreIf you haven’t gotten the chance to come by the rectory in the last two weeks, we invite you to stop in and say hi and see the beautiful Christmas…
Read MoreDonations of craft items and baked goods are needed for the Community-Wide Breakfast Fundraiser to keep Missouri Pro-Life. Please deliver donations to the Knights of Columbus Hall on Saturday, November…
Read MoreThe July 30 concert is free and begins at 6 pm. Food can be purchased 5-6 pm from food trucks at the concert site, 176 Marian Drive in Laurie. All…
Read MoreFrom April 10th through April 20th Fr. Cesar will join 25 other priests of the diocese along with Bishop McKnight on retreat in ARs, France, home parish of St. John…
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