
Music Surveys This Weekend

This weekend (Jan 25-26) the diocese is asking YOU to participate in a survey on music in our Liturgies. This is the beginning of a nine-month consultation happening in our diocese. ALL parishioners, visitors, clergy and musicians are asked to fill out the appropriate survey THIS weekend. Here’s what you need to know:

  • All non-music ministers are asked to fill out the paper survey in the pews at Mass this weekend. This is the only weekend the paper survey will be available.
  • All music ministers (choir members & directors, cantors, instrumentalists, accompanists, music coordinators, etc.) fill out an ONLINE survey which you will receive from one of the music ministry leaders. Please DO NOT fill out the pew survey. If you have questions, contact Liz Kehl, Ben Vanderlinden, Mary Bahner, or Jose Resendiz to receive a link to the survey.
  • Listening Sessions will be held for further reflection and discussion about sacred music in our liturgies. To participate, click this link to register. The one at our parish is being held February 23rd at 1pm at St. Patrick Chapel (this session will NOT be bilingual).

For more information on why we are doing this, read this week’s issue of the Catholic Missourian or click this link to go to the diocesan website to learn more.