2024 Ham & Bean Dinner Fundraiser For Vocations
Top 6 Ways YOU Can Help With the Fundraiser
1) Attend the Dinner on Saturday, February 22 from 11 a.m.-6 p.m. at St. Patrick Chapel Hall with your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. The All-You-Can-Eat Ham & Bean or Homemade Soup & Sandwich includes slaw, cornbread, drink and dessert for a donation of $8/adult & $3/children.
2) Donate a PIE or CAKE.
3) Volunteer to help setup on February 21st or in the kitchen, dining hall and dessert area on the day of the fundraiser February 22nd. Click the link to sign-up or contact Chuck Mattingly 660-281-5031.
4) Donate a Theme Basket (i.e. baking, gardening, movie, hunting, fishing, BBQ, kids, wine, baby, gift certificates, etc.) Contact Terri Paul 660-620-7617 or Stephanie Kelley 660-620-7600 or use the above stated sign-up link.
5) Donate items for Country Store: baked goods, crafts, knick-knacks, jellies and jams, kitchen items, crochet items, etc. Contact Terri Paul or Stephanie Paul
6) If you are unable to attend and wish to participate, you can make a monetary donation by dropping an envelope in collection basket marked, “Ham & Bean Dinner Fundraiser.”