
RaiseRight for SVdP – Summer Schedule

RaiseRight is a great way to help the parish while getting everything you need for your daily life. With over 700 brands participating in the program nationwide you’ll be able to find everything you need to help have fun this summer. When you use RaiseRight, you help the parish at the same time! In June we will be at Sunday Masses on June 23rd. Our bulk orders this month will be placed on Monday, June 24th. We have moved to our summer schedule for filling orders outside of Mass. If you would like to purchase physical gift cards outside of Mass stop in at the business office on Tuesdays from 9am-11am during our volunteer open hours or contact the program coordinator at We will not fill orders the week of Memorial Day due to vacations. If you are looking for ways to volunteer within the parish, we would love your help. Click HERE to sign-up to help after Masses.