
Vocations Committee Thanks You!

The Vocations Committee is so thankful to the many St. Vincent de Paul parishioners who came together for the successful fundraiser for Vocations. Your donations of Theme Baskets, baked goods, country store items and the sharing of your time of working at the event is greatly appreciated! With the wonderful selection of Theme Baskets, Silent Auction items, and great attendance of 218 for the dinner, we netted $3,542 to be used for future vocation efforts.

We are even more appreciative of the priests, Sr. Mary Ruth, deacons and their spouses for their Vocation to our parish. We are so blessed for Deacon Chris Hoffmann, a parishioner of SVdP, who is currently in formation for the priesthood, as well as, the men who are in Diaconate formation. Please continue to pray for Chris and others in formation for the priesthood and religious life.

Thank you again and blessings to you all for uniting together for a wonderful cause – VOCATIONS!!!