Health Ministry News
Antibiotic Use
Antibiotics can save lives. Appropriate use is the best way to ensure they will continue to work for us when we need them to fight off infections. Overuse and inappropriate use of antibiotics can cause them to not work as well because the bacteria are able to develop resistance to them. There are a few simple steps to take to ensure best treatment, reduced risks, and avoidance of antibiotic resistance:
- Take antibiotics only if you need them: Antibiotics only treat certain bacterial infections. They do not work on viruses. If you take unnecessary antibiotics, they won’t help your symptoms and you may experience unwanted and unnecessary side effects. Rely on your doctor to decide if antibiotics are necessary when you’re sick. Do not insist that you be prescribed an antibiotic.
- Take antibiotics exactly as they are prescribed: Take them exactly as the doctor tells you to and be sure to finish them even if you feel better. Do not share your antibiotics with someone, do not take antibiotics prescribed for someone else, and do not save them for later.
- Ask Questions: Ask your doctor or pharmacist if there are ways to feel better if an antibiotic isn’t needed. Sometimes the best treatment is over-the-counter medication. Be sure to contact your doctor if you develop side effects or allergic reactions while taking an antibiotic.
- Practice Other Good Health Techniques: Wash your hands, eat a balanced diet, drink enough liquids, exercise, get enough rest.
Health Ministry Contacts
• Health Ministry – Bev Wilkerson 660-473-2033
• Bereavement Ministry – Ann Dove 660-527-3794
Take Them a Meal – Bev Wilkerson 660-473-2033
• Prayer Shawl Ministry – Rectory at 827-2311
• Crochet & Sewing Tuesdays – Carol Schibi 660-620-3795