
Scrip Corner

Did you know using Scrip is one more way to financially support the parish in addition to tithing?  Every time you purchase a gift card through the Scrip program, either through the app, at the school office, or at the Scrip table after Mass, you are helping the parish fill our budget shortfall.  The beauty of this program, it is FREE to use!  No matter where you are going to spend money, at Walmart, Casey’s, Cenex, Kehde’s, Panera, or many other places, use gift cards instead of cash, check, or credit card and help the parish at the same time.  For example, if you purchase $25 in Kehde’s gift cards, $100 in Casey’s or Cenex gift cards, $25 in gift cards to dine out at other restaurants, and $150 in Walmart gift cards each month you will earn $180 a year to help the parish.  If a quarter of our parish families did this, the rebates earned would add up to $40,500 a year in FREE money!!!  This is just one example of the power of the Scrip program to help fund budget shortfalls!  Visit our table after Masses to find out more information, or call Esther DeGraff at 660.827.3800 or email Jen Cordia at