
Health Ministry News

Health Ministry Contacts

Health Ministry: Bev Wilkerson 660-473-2033

Meals to families with a new baby: Camille Bawcom 404-918-5822

Bereavement Ministry: Ann Dove 660-527-3794

Prayer Shawl Ministry: Rectory at 827-2311

Crochet & Sewing Tuesdays: Carol Schibi 660-620-3795

Next Foot Clinic is March 3!

Riki Harding LPN, CFCC will hold the next foot clinic on March 3.  The clinics will be held at 618 W. 16th Street, Sedalia.  This allows for better cleaning between parishioners.  Please call Riki Harding at 816-797-6537 to book your Nursing Foot Clinic time slot.

Have you Had COVID? 

The link below gives rehab exercises to get you feeling well again. Rest and good nutrition are also important.  If you do not have a computer, Dianne will have a copy if you are interested.

From Columbia University–New York

What are some Fruits and Vegetables that can help support Immune Health?

Nutrients like Vitamins A,C,D, and E, zinc and omega 3 fatty acids are known for their impact on the immune system.  The following have one or more of these nutrients:

1.             Beets: Provide vitamin C and immune support of B vitamins, folate and iron

2.             Squash: winter squash varieties and beta-a Vitamins A, C, B6.

3.             Leafy Greens:  Dark greens provide Vitamins A, C and antioxidants

4.             Sweet Potatoes:  Rich in both A and C (50% of your daily C requirements)

5.             Broccoli:  Vitamins A, C, and E

6.             Citrus Fruits:  Vitamin C and some fortified juices have Vitamin D