
Help the less fortunate this Christmas

Thank you so much for your continued interest in helping with projects at Sacred Heart. This year, as in the past, the Sacred Heart National Honor Society will be feeding the elderly, unemployed, and homeless of Pettis County on Christmas Eve. We are seeking your assistance so that we may continue to carry out this Sacred Heart tradition of service during the Christmas Season. Although this year will look a little different with the current COVID safety guidelines, we hope to continue to extend a helping hand to those in need.

Your participation would be greatly appreciated as more and more citizens appear to be in need this year. Last year, we estimated that we fed over 800 people in the Pettis County area.

To adhere to COVID guidelines we will be hosting curbside pickup at Sacred Heart School. Our times of operation are 8:00 am – 1:00 pm on Thursday, December 24th. Unfortunately, this year we are limiting our volunteers to just NHS members and their parents, however if you wish to make a monetary contribution, you may send your check to:

Sacred Heart NHS, 416 W. 3rd Street, Sedalia, MO 65301

Please contact Ryane City (, if you have any questions or concerns. You may also call 827-3800 and leave a message. Thank you in advance for anything you are able to give be it money or prayers.

Sincerely, Ryane City Sacred Heart NHS Advisor