Health Ministry
Health Ministry Contacts
- Health Ministry: Bev Wilkerson 660-473-2033
- Meals to families with a new baby: Camille Bawcom 404-918-5822
- Bereavement Ministry: Ann Dove 660-527-3794
- Prayer Shawl Ministry: Rectory at 827-2311
- Crochet & Sewing Tuesday: Carol Schibi 660-620-3795
Growing in Gratitude- Advent Week 3
Overflowing Gratitude – We are Joyful!
Gratitude leads us to worship and action! It flows out of us and is expressed in the following ways.
1. Expressed in Prayer. We have heartfelt prayer when we experience the Lord’s presence or when a friend is healed of a serious illness. Gratitude actually transforms our prayer. The psalms are great examples of this prayer
2. The perfect prayer of Thanksgiving – The mass. Eucharist means “thanksgiving”. Keep your ears tuned to all the prayers of thanksgiving during mass. Recall the many blessings that God has poured out on you
3. Gratitude expressed in action. How can you share your talents, possessions and gifts that have been given you? The early church freely shared their possessions because of the profound change of heart they felt. (Acts 2:45)
4. Do something for someone in your family without being asked.
5. Start a family discussion with “why should we be joyful?”