
Your Baby’s Baptism – St. Vincent de Paul

On behalf of the pastors, deacons, parish staff and parishioners, congratulations on the birth of your child and on the upcoming baptism! God has certainly blessed you with his favorite creation, a human life! With this gift comes some amazing responsibilities. You are your child’s first teacher. It is your responsibility to teach them about our Catholic

faith, to be a moral compass and to follow the precepts of the Catholic Church.

The following precepts of the Catholic Church provide the minimum obligation of our faith: (1) to attend Mass and to refrain from unnecessary work on Sundays and holy days; (2) to fast and abstain on appointed days; (3) to go to confession at least once a year; (4) to receive the Holy Eucharist at least once a year; during the Easter season. (5) to contribute material support to the Church; and (6) not to marry within certain degrees of kindred. These precepts are intended to bind the faithful close to the Church and to God

Parent Information

A copy of the child’s birth certificate should be given to the parish office. For parents living within the parish boundaries:

Follow the precepts of the Catholic Church.

Fill out a parish registration form (time and talent sheet) for St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church.

Be married in the Catholic Church or take steps to validate the marriage. For marriage validation or if there are previous marriage(s), please contact one of our Pastors before scheduling the date for baptism.

For parents living outside the parish boundaries:

Follow the precepts of the Catholic Church.

Be registered or fill out a registration form (time and talent sheet) to become a member of the parish in your community.

Be married in the Catholic Church or take steps to validate the marriage. For marriage validation or if there are previous marriage(s), please contact the parish priest here you are registered.

Ask the pastor of the Church in which you are registered to write a letter to the pastor of St. Vincent de Paul stating that you, the parents, would like to have their child baptized at St. Vincent de Paul.

Godparent Information

At least one godparent must be a registered Catholic in good standing. If both godparents are baptized Catholics, then both must be active practicing Catholics living out their faith since they are  modeling the faith for the parents and child. Practically, this means: they are a Confirmed Catholic of at least sixteen years of age and if they are married, they should be married in the church. See attached information.

If the godparent(s) are not members of the St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Parish, a letter of good standing from their current parish is required.

If there are two godparents, one is male and the other is female.

Upon completing this Session:

Please call the parish to schedule a date and time for the Baptism. The date and time is not set until you receive this confirmation.

Because of your important role in the faith life of this child, it is your responsibility to follow up by calling the parish with regard to your baby’s baptism. The leaders of this session do not contact the parish office about baptism dates.

Once again, congratulations and we look forward to the baptism and accompanying you and your family on your faith journey!

Church contact information:

St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Parish

421 W. 3rd Street

Sedalia, MO 65301



Fr. Joe Corel Fr. David Veit

Sacramental Secretary:

Rosalba Curranza